Elizabeth Roy Biography
Elizabeth Roy works in various disciplines that include installation, sculpture, public art and print media. Her public art commissions are located predominantly in the lower mainland of British Columbia, North Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey and Vancouver.
Her studio work discloses the predicament of many artists who choose to worry the expectations of both craft and fine art genres. Work that cannot be satisfactorily described as being either visual art or craft can be discomforting. The motivation to position the work between categories creates excitement and challenge. Forms that are identified within a specific craft genre are recreated using materials chosen from other craft genres; for example, imagery understood within the history of painting is reconstituted as mere surface decoration; size and scale are turned inside out via sculptural installation. These acts of confusion or stirring up the DNA alter the traditional identity and coherence within fixed categories making viewers struggle with their preconceptions.
She holds an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Detroit. Her studio work has been exhibited in the US, Europe and Canada.